
International Import Food and Agricultural Products Exhibition (zhengzhou)
展出时间:2025年09月26-28日展出地点:郑州国际会展中心 - (河南)
关于签证  About the visa
SIFA 2024上海国际进口食品及农产品展览会如何入场:

NEW Guidelines for Visas to China

If you are an exhibitor or visitor planning to attend SFDF 2021 you are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED TO APPLY IMMEDIATELY FOR YOUR CHINESE VISA.

Regulations enforced by different Chinese Embassies round the World vary. So please check carefully with your local Embassy or travel agent for the exact requirement in your country. As a guideline the current situation for visa applications to China are as follows:

Tourist visas: Still the easiest and cheapest option for attending a show if you can get it. As a minimum Embassies require a travel itinerary and hotel confirmation (document from the hotel). Tourist visas are not possible for many countries and this list varies from time to time. Please check if it is possible to obtain a tourist visa from your country, as this is by far the easiest approach, particularly as no formal letter of invitation is required first.

Business visas: Takes more time, as a formal letter of invitation is required from an Official Government body. To apply for a business visa you must submit to the Chinese Embassy your itinerary, hotel confirmation and Official letter of Invitation. We can apply for your official letter of invitation and costs as detailed below will be involved.

A) Exhibitors: Application FOC + courier charge.

B) Visitors: Application, normally fee US$ 30, depending on country + courier charge. Payment must be made in advance before we start the application process.

Applications for a formal invitation letter can take 5-10 days + courier time + application time required for the visa. Please complete the application fo and submit to info@goldenexpo.com.cn.Procedure of application will be started from April 20 2021   by the government new policy.

On receipt we will inform you charges involved and payment instructions.

Visa regulations may change so please confirm the precise requirements with your local Chinese Embassy or travel agent and APPLY EARLY.

For more information, please contact:

Mrs Hou

Shanghai Golden Commercial Exhibition Co., Ltd.

Tel: (86-21) 5013-1760, (86-21)64396190  

Email: info@goldenexpo.com.cn

如欲了解更多SIFA 2024上海国际进口食品及农产品展览会展位信息,请通过以下方式进行咨询:



E-mail: 330016108@qq.com


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为彰显中国政府在保障食品与农产品质量安全的高度重视,郑州“进食展”特别邀请中国 政府主管单位与相关机构作为展会的指导单位或支持单位,以更好的放大“进食展”溢出效 应,集聚全球进口农产品食品与农产品市场资源,助推郑州国际消费中心城市的建设和满足中 国进口食品与农产品消费市场的巨大需求。
电话:136 7178 1237
地址:上海市浦东新区启帆路 519 号森兰美奂北楼 C 座 1006 室(201208)